Section: Software and Platforms


Participants : Pierrick Gaudry, Stéphane Glondu [contact] .

In collaboration with the Cassis team, we develop an open-source private and verifiable electronic voting protocol, named Belenios . Our system is an evolution of an existing system, Helios, developed by Ben Adida, and used e.g. by UCL and the IACR association in real elections. The main differences with Helios are the following ones:

  • In Helios, the ballot box publishes the encrypted ballots together with their corresponding voters. This raises a privacy issue in the sense that whether someone voted or not shall not necessarily be publicized on the web. Publishing this information is in particylar forbidden by CNIL's recommendation. Belenios no longer publishes voters' identities, still guaranteeing correctness of the tally.

  • Helios is verifiable except that one has to trust that the ballot box will not add ballots. The addition of ballots is particularly hard to detect as soon as the list of voters is not public. We have therefore introduced an additional authority that provides cretentials that the ballot box can verify but bot forge.

This new version has been implemented by Stéphane Glondu (http://belenios.gforge.inria.fr/ ). and has been tested in July 2013 in a mock election in the teams Cassis and Caramel .